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How to easily connect to your Jenji account: some tips

Who can connect to Jenji?

Any user with an account, whether in the Solo, Team or Enterprise plan.

If you don't have a Jenji account yet, don't wait any longer. Create your account in seconds to #SimplifyYourLife and manage your business expenses!

What platforms can I connect to Jenji on?

Jenji is accessible both on the web and on mobile. Real-time synchronisation enables instant access to all data, regardless of the platform or device used:

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How can I access these different platforms?

How do I connect to Jenji through these platforms?

The log in mode is unique regardless of the platform used.
However, you must log in the same way as when you created your account:

  • Automatic log in with Google by clicking on the icon:
  • Log in with your email address and password.
  • Or log in with Apple for iOS mobiles by indicating your Apple ID and your password.                                           
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