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Profile edition - Personal settings

Any Jenji user can set up their profile via their personal web space.
To do this, simply click on User, then on Profile & Preferences.





Set the language of your Jenji account


In the Preferences screen, you can define the language of your account.

The web interface is available in French, English, German, Spanish and Italian.


Define your default settings: payment method, currency, country and default vehicle


Define your default settings and save time when entering your expenses!
The fields will be completed automatically when creating expenses.


Set up your bank details


If your company has subscribed to the Generation SEPA reimbursements module, an additional insert is available via your profile, where you must enter your bank details for the management of reimbursements.

This data can be completed by yourself:

  • From Personal Settings > Bank details
  • Click on the Save button that appears once the fields have been completed.


Bank details can also be entered by your company's Jenji account Administrator.

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