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Set up the accounting export

This article is dedicated to the accounting configuration of the 'Excel dynamic' format, available in the Jenji Team plan.

It can also serve as a support for accounts that have accounting integration (Sage, Cegid, Ibiza, etc.).

  • Go to the web application at
  • Access the Settings by clicking at the top right of the screen (Administrator right required).


  • In the Company Settings menu, click Integrations, then Accounting Exports.

General configuration of accounting exports

  • In the first Configuration screen, enter the journal code, the VAT account and the generic credit account, then click on Save.

Capture d’écran 2022-07-13 à 14.38.55.png

Configure the accounts

  • In the second screen, Specific creditor accounts.

Configuration of Specific Creditor Accounts


If there are different creditor accounts (one account per employee), use the Specific Creditor Accounts tab.

  • Click on the Add

Capture d’écran 2022-07-13 à 14.39.39.png

  • Choose the employee from the dropdown list, and enter their specific creditor account.

Case 1: Select a payment method if the creditor account only concerns one payment method.


Case 2: Do not select any payment method if the creditor account concerns all payment methods.

  • Click on Save

Example of configuration A: each employee has their own creditor account. This creditor account will be generated regardless of the payment method used when entering expenses.


Example of configuration B: the employee has a different creditor account depending on the payment method used when entering the expenses.


Configuration of Chart of Accounts Rules


The creation of export rules is carried out via the third screen, Chart of Accounts Rules, and is unlimited in number.

  • Click on the Add
  • Enter the export rule information, namely the expense account number, VAT deductibility, and the associated category(s).
  • Click on Save


Note: It is possible to create an export rule by expense category, or to integrate a number of categories in the same rule.


If there are specific debtor accounts (one account per employee), add these in the Advanced section.

  • Activate the Specific debtor accounts button, and click on the +
  • Select an employee from the dropdown list, and enter their specific debtor account.
  • Click Save when specific debtor accounts have been configured.


Once the settings are in place: accounting export


All of your VAT recovery rules have been configured.

Capture d’écran 2022-07-13 à 14.41.19.png

An accounting export  can now be generated. The downloadable format will be a dynamic Excel table, taking into account your accounting configuration.

Note: A waiting expense cannot be included in an accounting export. It must be in an accepted or reimbursed state.


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