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Automatic exchange rates

Automatic exchange rates by default


Whatever your Jenji plan, you have the automatic exchange rate feature.

Jenji automatically converts foreign currency amounts by applying rates, updated daily.Expenses entered in foreign currencies are automatically converted into the account's main currency.


The option to offset bank charges


In the case of automatic currency conversion, you can define an additional percentage that will be added to the converted amount to take into account, for example, bank commissions.


Possibility to set specific exchange rates


It is possible to set rates manually for a defined period, which will be applied instead of the automatic exchange rates.


Access to original amounts and converted amounts


The amounts are available in the expense display list on the web platform.

Conversion EN.png

The data can also be exported in different formats. Example below in an Excel export.

Conversion Exports.png


Management of settings related to exchange rates


If you would like to set up an offset for bank charges and/or specific exchange rates, go to the web application at

  • Access Settings by clicking at the top right of the screen.


  • In the Company Settings menu on the left of the screen, click on General, then Exchange Rate.


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