Your account has 8 payment methods by default. You can add as many new payment methods as you wish. You can also edit or deactivate a payment method at any time.
To customise your payment methods, go to the web application at
- Access Settings by clicking at the top right of the screen.
- In the Company settings menu on the left of the screen, click General, then Payment methods.
Add a new payment method
- Click Add
In the window that opens:
- Indicate the English, French or other language labels available in your account.
- Define whether the expenses incurred with this payment method are reimbursable or not.
- Click on Save
Edit/deactivate a payment method
Place your cursor over the cell of the payment method in question.
- Click on the three dots on the right of the line.
- Click on the Edit button to edit the payment method.
- Click on the Deactivate button to deactivate the payment method.