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Add expenses with a paper receipt

The easy-to-use expense report solution


Don't waste any more time with your paper receipts! With Jenji a few seconds are enough! You have a native mobile and web application of the latest generation at your disposal.


Enter expenses on your mobile


Any expense created via your smartphone will be synchronised in your personal space.
You will find all the data there, as well as the supporting document.


Enter an expense by taking a photo of the supporting document


See our video tutorial.


Enter expenses on the web


Any expense created from your personal space will be synchronised in your mobile application.You can find all the data there, as well as the supporting document.

You can use individual entry by importing your expense supporting document, or create several expenses at the same time using batch import.


Individual entry


  • From the menu, click on Add, then on Expense.
  • From your computer, drag and drop the supporting documents in the dedicated area, or click on Select a file.



  • Once the supporting document data has been automatically extracted by the OCR (seller, amounts, date, etc.), check and complete your expense if necessary.
  • Click on Save


Batch import


Do you have multiple supporting documents? Opt for batch import!
A dedicated area allows you to deposit your files (unlimited number). Your expenses are then created automatically.


  • From the menu, click on Add, then on Batch import.
  • From your computer, drag and drop the supporting documents in the dedicated area, or click on Select files.
  • An error message will be displayed if the file upload failed.




  • Once the supporting documents have been imported, go to the Expenses


The data automatically extracted by the OCR must be checked/completed.

  • Click on the label of an expense to view it.
  • Or use batch editing , which enables you to edit a batch of expenses quickly.




- Accepted formats for supporting documents: JPEG/PDF.
- Do you want to manage several VAT rates? The multi-rate VAT module is accessible in the Enterprise plan.

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