Quick reminder on states available on the free version
The purpose of expense status is to facilitate the management of your expenses. In Jenji Solo, there 3 available states:
- Waiting: state by default after creating an expense. Your expense is awating an action from you (forward to your accountant, reimbursement, etc).
- Done: this notion is unique to your process - at any time you can declare your expenses as 'done' (forwarded to your manager, reimbursed, etc).
- Deleted: the expense has been deleted.
Therefore, the validation of an expense in Solo plan impacts its status. The state goes from 'Waiting' to 'done'.
This action is available via the web interface, as well as from the mobile app.
Note: possibility to validate a set of expenses via the web interface.
Validation on web
Validate an expense or a set of expenses
Go to your personal space app.jenji.io .
In the tab 'Expenses':
- Select the expense(s) you want to validate.
- Click on the button 'Actions', and 'Mark as done'.
- The state of the expense(s) is now 'Done'.
Cancel the validation of an expense or a set of expenses
You can still revoke a validation if needed.
- Select the expense(s) in 'Done' state.
- Click on the button 'Actions', and 'Un-mark as done'.
- The state of the expense(s) is 'Waiting' again.
Validation on mobile
Validate an expense
You can validate your expenses from the mobile app. Validation by batch is not available yet. Each expense has to be validated individually.
- Click on the expense you want to validate. The expense has to be in 'Waiting' state.
- Click on 'Mark as done' at the bottom.
- The expense is now in 'done' state.
A shortcut is also available by sliding the expense from left to right.
Revoke the validation of an expense
If you want an expense to go back to 'waiting' state:
- Click on the expense currently in 'done' state.
- Click on 'Mark as undone' at the bottom.
- The state of the expense is 'Waiting' again.
A shortcut is also available by sliding the expense from left to right.