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The different states of an expense in Jenji Solo

Every expense in Jenji has a status at a given time


Whichever version of Jenji you are using (free or paid one), the state information is here to facilitate the management of your expenses. In Jenji Solo, there 3 available states:

  • Waiting: state by default after creating an expense. Your expense is awating an action from you (forward to your accountant, reimbursement, etc). 
  • Done: this notion is unique to your process - at any time you can declare your expenses as 'done' (forwarded to your manager, reimbursed, etc). More details in our article Validate your expenses in Jenji Solo with the 'done' state
  • Deleted: the expense has been deleted. 

With states, manage your expenses the easy way


Thanks to the different status, managing your professional expenses has never been easier. 

Filters are available both on your personal space and mobile app, allowing you to sort expenses by state. 


Filter expenses by state on the web 


Go to your personal space, in the 'Expenses' tab':

  • Select the period you want.
  • Click on Add a filter.
  • Type State in the search bar or scroll through the different criteria.
  • Tick the states you wish to select.



Filter expenses on mobile


From your dashboard, click on My expenses tab:

  • Click on the Filter menu at the of the list. 
  • Select the state of your choice, then click on OK.
  • Expenses in the selected status are displayed, as long as the Total of expenses filtered.

Advanced states on paid plans  


As seen previously, a couple of status are available in the free version to facilitate individual expense management. 

Jenji Team and Jenji Enterprise include a specific approval workflow to go even further in optimizing the process in a collaborative context: a whole new set of states, along with automatic notifications. 


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