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Validate collaborators' expenses: validation or refusal

Validation is a necessary  step in the expense approval workflow in Team and Enterprise plans.

Without this action, the expenses entered by employees cannot be processed for reimbursement and/or accounting.
You can to carry out the validation step from a computervia the Jenji web interface and mobile.

The person in charge of validation holds the role of Manager.
 A Manager can carry out the following actions, via their online space

  • Access expenses pending validation.
  • Edit the data associated with the expenses.
  • Make a validation decision: accept or refuse, accompanied by a comment.
  • Cancel a validation decision (individually or in batch mode).
  • View all employee expenses.

Validation from your web interface


Access to expenses to be approved

Go to

From To approve tab. A bubble shows you the number of expenses awaiting validation.

Two views are available to you, depending on your preferences.

expense employees.png

Validation decision making


Option 1: Approve without viewing all of the data


If the information displayed is sufficient to make your decision, you can directly approve one or a group of expenses without accessing their complete detail.

To do this, select the expense(s) and click on the Accept all button.

Accept all To approve.png

Note: The validation of expenses on alert (example: ceiling exceeded) will not be taken into account. These expenses must therefore be approved via the second option, presented below.

Option 2: View the complete data, then approve or refuse


Do you want to access both the expense supporting document and the associated data ? To do this, select the expense(s) and click on the Open button.


This processing screen enables you to control expenses individually. For each expense, you can see:

  1. The Supporting document of the expense, except in the case of mileage expenses.
  2. The data associated with the expense - which has been deemed compliant upstream by the Checker (depending on the configuration of your company's account).

All the fields can still be modified in the event of incorrect information, by clicking on the Edit button:


Once your check is complete, you can make your decision. To do this, simply click on Reject or Accept.


In the event of rejection, the employee will receive a mobile notification.You can leave a comment in the dedicated field.

Once the validation step has been completed, the expenses no longer appear in the To approve tab (unless no decision has been taken). You can find the expenses on which you have just acted in the Expenses > Team tab.


Display of expense reimbursement details

Reimbursement information is now displayed for expenses that have been accepted.

In the summary of an expense:


As well as in the expense list (due amount is displayed in yellow when different from the amount of the expense): 

Cancellation In which cases is the "Reimbursable" amount different from the amount of the expense?

  • Company expense policy rules are applied (example: accommodation expense capped at €120).
  • The expense was paid with a non-refundable payment method (example: company credit card).

Cancellation of a validation decision


You can reverse your validation decision as long as an expense has not been exported for reimbursement or accounting.

Via the Expenses > Team tab:

  • Locate the expense using the various filters available to you.
  • Click on the expense title to view it.
  • Click the Cancel approval
  • The expense will be available again in the To approve

Cancel a batch validation decision


Do you want to cancel the validation of several expenses? Select them and use the Actions button. 


Click on the Cancel approval button, then Accept.



Validation from your mobile


Since beginning 2022, you can validate your employees' expenses from your Jenji mobile application.
Available for Team and Enterprise plans (activation request by the account administrator at:

Access to expenses to be approved

  • Login to your Jenji mobile application
  • Click on the Team tab from the main screen
  • Access your collaborators' expenses to be validated, by clicking on the tab To approve

Validation decision making

  • Select an employee whose expenses you want to validate

Option 1: Approve without viewing all of the data

You can validate all of your employee's expenses in one click: Accept All.

Option 2: View the complete data, then approve or refuse

If you want to have access to all the data related to the expense and the receipt, you can select one by one the expenses of your collaborator.

Once your check is complete, you can make your decision. To do this, simply click on Reject or Accept

In the event of rejection, the employee will receive a mobile and e-mail notification.

Cancellation of a validation decision

You can reverse your validation decision as long as an expense has not been exported for reimbursement or accounting.

  • Via your Team tab, you have access to your recent actions
  • Click on the expense title to view it.
  • Click the Cancel approval
  • The expense will be available again in the To approve
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