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Manage employee alerts: duplicates and custom alerts

Efficient data control


Jenji's collaborative and real-time platform provides full visibility into the expenses incurred by employees.

Dedicated features, such as the alert system, guarantee optimum control over the data entered, promote compliance with the expense policy, and eliminate any risk of possible fraud.

The various alerts available

  1. Country/Currency inconsistency
  2. Duplicates:if at least 2 expenses have been entered with the same date and the same amount.
  3. Custom alerts: rules defined by the company and implemented in Jenji (settings available for Enterprise plans). Example: Spending in the Hotel category in the Province region of more than €90 per night.

Composition of the warning system


The alert system is made up of 3 distinct component parts, which are identical irrespective of whether this is for duplicates or for a custom alert.

  • signage icon that appears on the list of expenses


  • An explanatory message that appears when you click the Warning icon when viewing or editing an expense.


  • A tab dedicated to alert management > Alerts

Management of employee alerts


Alert management is carried out on the web interface, via the Alerts tab.
Do you have the right to check or approve? You can manage the alerts of your employees, in addition to your own alerts, in the Alerts > Team tab.

Alerts are sorted by Active or Ignored tab and by month

Alerts can be of different types:

  • Duplicate
  • Invalid tax rate
  • Mismatch Country / Currency
  • Tax details inconsistent

To manage your employees' alerts, we invite you to:

  • Extend the desired period.
  • Select a specific employee, if you wish.
  • In Active, select the type(s) of alert raised.
  • Click on View receipt to display and compare. 
  • Click on the expense title to view the data and enter the expense.
  • Depending on the user's profile, judge the alerted expense as non-compliant or cancel validation or deactivate the alert by clicking on the Ignore button.


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