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Export expenses to accounting

The expense approval workflow in Team and Enterprise plans includes an accounting step. Thus, at any time, accounting entries may be generated for a selection of expenses in order to process expense report data in the accounting records.


This step makes it possible to:


  • Generate accounting entries for expenses to be recorded. The file includes expense accounts, credit counterpart accounts, deductible VAT, etc.
  • Declare that the expenses have been recorded. The expense state in Jenji will change to recorded. This ensures that the expenses in question cannot be processed in the accounts a second time.

For a user to be able to process expenses in accounting, they must have the role of Accountant. Actions must be carried out from a computer, via the web interface.


How to process expenses in accounting?


The expenses must have been approved so that they can be processed in accounting.

The recording of expense reports is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Export the expenses to be recorded.
  2. Declare the expenses as recorded.

Step 1: Accounting export


You have two different ways to export the expenses to be recorded. Which to choose will depend on your company's context.


Option AExport at a time T all the expenses that are in the Accepted or Reimbursed state.


By not selecting any period, you are therefore sure to take into account all the expenses that were recently approved in the account.


From the Exports > Accounting tab:

  • Click on the button:


In the window that opens:

  • Choose the expenses to export: in the Accepted or Reimbursed.
  • Select the user(s) concerned. It is possible to export expenses for All employees, thereby saving time.
  • Name the export. Example: NDF 112019.
  • Click on Export.



Option BMake a selection of expenses in advance using the filters, then export the expenses to be accounted for.


You can thus generate the accounting entries, for example over a specific period.

From the Expenses > Team tab:

  • Use the filters of your choice.
  • Tick the expenses to export.
  • Click the Exports > Accounting

Export accounting.png


Whether you select option A or option B, your accounting export will be generated automatically.

Your export is available in the Exports > Accounting tab.


  • The file is available for download


Export states

  • Waiting: following your export of expenses, no other action has been taken, and the state of the export is pending.


This means that the expenses related to the export are currently in the exported state.


Exported expenses.png


  • Missing configuration, Expenses already exported, No eligible expenses found, Expenses are not ready to be exported: please write to us at

Delete an Accounting export


Expenses cannot be modified while the accounting export is pending.

To delete an accounting export:

  • For a single export, click the three dots, then Delete.
  • For multiple exports at once, select the exports, then click on "Actions > Delete selected exports"


Step 2: Declare the recording of expenses


Once the employee expense reports have been recorded by your company, you must declare that the accounting treatment has been completed in Jenji.


Following this action, the expenses will marked as Recorded, and cannot be processed again in the accounts.


To declare that the expenses have been recorded:

  • For a single export, click the three dots, then Mark as Accounted.
  • For multiple exports at once, select the exports, then click on "Actions > Mark as Accounted"


The export changes to the Recorded state.


Expenses related to the export are now in the Recorded state.

Note: If expenses were reimbursed before being declared as recorded, they will be marked as Closed.


Closed expenses.png


Optional additional steps


Download recorded expenses


If you wish, you can export the expenses associated with the accounting export in ZIP format. You can find both the supporting documents for the expenses and the associated data in this export.

  • Click the three dots, then Export ZIP.  


Your ZIP export is generated automatically, and is available in the Exports > Standard tab.


Generate a Reimbursements export


You can generate a reimbursements export directly from an accounting export.

  • For a single export, click the three dots, then Compute reimbursements.
  • For multiple exports at once, select the exports, then click on "Actions > Compute Reimbursements"


In the window that opens:

  • Name the Reimbursements export. Example: NDF 112019.
  • Click on Export.


Your reimbursements export is automatically generated, and is available in the Exports > Reimbursements tab.


Summary files are available for download.


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