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Add an employee

Available in Team and Enterprise plans.

Definition of the term 'Employee'


Anyone who has to enter business expenses and/or take actions concerning the processing of these expenses can be invited to join your company's Jenji account: manager, partner, employee, consultant, etc. Once the user has accepted the invitation, they will be automatically attached to the account as an employee.

How to add an Employee?


You are the Administrator of the account. At any time, you can invite an employee to join your account. To do this, you must send them an invitation by email. The email address entered will be the employee's account ID.

You can invite a person who does not yet have a Jenji account, as well as a person who already uses Jenji in a Solo plan (free version).

If your employee already has a Jenji account, simply send the invitation to the email address associated with this Jenji account. Accepting the invitation will automatically migrate expenses from their Solo account to your Team/Enterprise account. You will then have access to previously entered expenses.

To invite an employee:

  • Go to the web application at
  • Access Settings by clicking at the top right of the screen.


  • In the Company settings menu on the left of the screen, click User management, then Employees > Active users.
  • Click on the Add

Capture d’écran 2022-07-13 à 16.36.20.png

In the window that opens:

  • Complete the employee's information: Email, First name, Last name.
  • You have the optional possibility to enter a reference ID (numbers or text).
  • Choose the group  to which the employee belongs.
  • Grant one or more rights if necessary. For an employee who will only declare expenses, send the invitation without granting any rights.
  • Click on Save


The employee will receive an invitation by email to join your company account. Once their Jenji account has been created and the invitation accepted, they will be automatically attached, and will appear in the list of active users.


If an employee has not yet accepted the invitation, they will appear in the Employees Invited tab awaiting confirmation.

Capture d’écran 2022-07-13 à 16.36.52.png

  • To resend an invitation, select the employee and click the Resend Email

Important: If the employee creates their Jenji account without going through the invitation email, it will not be linked to your company account.

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